Thursday, March 19, 2009

SIAPA ITU " avril lavigne"

Avril Lavigne adalah seorang gadis yang tahu apa yang dia mau. And when it came to writing her eagerly awaited third album, The Best Damn Thing , she had one very clear goal in mind: To make it fun. Dan apabila dia datang untuk menulis dgn tdk sabar menunggu album ketiga, The Best Damn Thing, ia satu tujuan sangat jelas dalam pikiran: Untuk membuatnya menyenangkan. While touring in 2004 for her last album, Under My Skin , which sold more than 8 million copies worldwide, the Canadian-born punk-pop dynamo found that her favorite songs to play were the faster, more up-tempo songs so she resolved to make a record that captured the kind of high-spirited, full-throttle energy that she loved to unleash on-stage. Sedangkan wisata di tahun 2004 untuk album terakhir dia, Under My Skin, yang terjual lebih dari 8 juta kopi di seluruh dunia, Kanada lahir pop-punk dinamo menemukan bahwa dia favorit untuk memutar lagu-lagu yang telah lebih cepat, lebih up-tempo lagu sehingga ia memutuskan untuk membuat catatan yang diambil jenis bersemangat tinggi, full-throttle energi yang dia kasihi untuk memperlancar pada tahap.

The Best Damn Thing is brimming with gutsy guitar riffs, instantaneously catchy sing-along party-starting choruses, power pop punk, and rebellious rock 'n' roll attitude. The Best Damn Thing adalah brimming dengan gagah guitar riffs, instantaneously catchy bernyanyi bersama-partai-mulai choruses, power pop punk, fasik dan rock 'n' roll sikap. It's a marked departure from the darker, more introspective tone of Under My Skin and on tracks such as the defiant, riotous, kiss-off-to-a-cheating-boyfriend "Everything Back But You", Avril took pleasure in creating scenarios for her lyrics that weren't, as she says, "straight out of my diary." It's a tanda keberangkatan dari gelap, lebih mawas diri nada Under Saya Kulit dan di trek seperti menentang, ribut-ribut, kiss-off-a-ke-kecurangan-boyfriend "Semua Kembali Tetapi Anda", Avril membawa kegembiraan dalam membuat skenario untuk dia lirik yang tidak, karena ia mengatakan, "langsung dari buku harian saya." The result is a collection of songs that reveal just how far she's evolved as a songwriter and singer, from the sassy, empowering "I Can Do Better" (one of Avril's personal favorites) to the irrepressible first single "Girlfriend" which unexpectedly combines a hip-hop beat with beefy power chords, hand-claps, and a chanted girl-group-style chorus with a punk rock twist to the emotional ballad "Keep Holding On", which she wrote at the request of 20th Century Fox for the studio's fantasy/adventure film Eragon . Hasilnya adalah kumpulan lagu yang hanya mengungkapkan seberapa jauh ia berkembang sebagai penulis lagu dan penyanyi, dari sassy, pemberdayaan "I Can Do Better" (salah satu favorit Avril pribadi) ke tdk tertekan pertama tunggal "Girlfriend" yang tanpa sengaja menggabungkan hip-hop dengan beat berdaging daya chords, tangan-claps, dan gadis-chanted grup bersama dengan gaya punk rock-belok ke emosional kidung "Keep Holding On", yang ia menulis atas permintaan 20. Century Fox untuk studio's fantasi / petualangan film Eragon.

As an artist with a keen and well-trained ear for powerful, magnetic pop melodies, Avril was intensely involved in every aspect of The Best Damn Thing 's creation: From being fiercely independent while writing her own songs ("I didn't have an A&R guy on this record," she emphasizes. "I knew exactly how I wanted it to sound."), to choosing her producers and musical collaborators, to obsessively going back and tweaking guitar tones and drumbeats in the studio, she worked hard to ensure that it would be her best record yet. Sebagai seorang seniman dengan tekun dan baik untuk melatih telinga kuat, magnetis pop melodies, Avril telah intens terlibat dalam setiap aspek dari The Best Damn Thing 's penciptaan: Dari panas yang independen saat menulis lagu-lagu sendiri ( "Saya tidak memiliki A & R guy pada catatan ini, "dia menekankan." Saya tahu persis bagaimana Saya ingin ke suara. "), untuk memilih dia dan produser musik kolaborator, untuk kembali dan obsessively tweaker gitar dan nada drumbeats di studio, dia bekerja keras untuk memastikan bahwa dia akan merekam terbaik yet.

The album features the production skills of Butch Walker (who has also produced The Donnas, American Hi-Fi, and Avril's second album, Under My Skin ), Dr. Luke (Pink, Lady Sovereign), Rob Cavallo (Green Day, My Chemical Romance, Goo Goo Dolls), and her husband Deryck Whibley (from Sum 41). Album ini memiliki kemampuan produksi dari Butch Walker (yang juga telah dihasilkan The Donnas, American Hi-Fi, dan album kedua Avril, Under My Skin), Dr Luke (Pink, Lady Sovereign), Rob Cavallo (Green Day, My Chemical Romance, Goo Goo Dolls), dan suaminya Deryck Whibley (dari Sum 41). The process turned out to be a blast: "I didn't know making a record could be so fun," she says. Proses ternyata menjadi keras: "Saya tidak tahu membuat catatan bisa jadi menyenangkan," ujarnya. She was eager to work with her good friend Butch again, as she says, "What's great about Butch is that he's a talented artist as well as being an incredible producer." Dia ingin bekerja dengan baik teman Butch lagi, karena ia berkata, "Apa yang hebat tentang Butch adalah bahwa ia adalah seniman berbakat juga sebagai produsen yang luar biasa." And about collaborating with Dr. Luke, she adds, "Luke and I had a really good connection and chemistry." Dan tentang bekerjasama dengan Dr Lukas, ia menambahkan, "Lukas dan saya benar-benar memiliki hubungan yang baik dan kimia." The relaxed atmosphere in the studio comes across in the songs themselves . Suasana yang santai di studio datang di dalam lagu itu sendiri. Avril's laughter rings out in "I Can Do Better", and in "Girlfriend" you can hear her, she says, "playing a beer bottle" (by blowing into it) in the last few choruses. Avril's tawa cincin dalam "I Can Do Better", dan "Girlfriend" Anda bisa mendengar dia, ia mengatakan, "bermain sebuah botol bir" (oleh meniup ke dalamnya) pada beberapa choruses.

Four of the songs on The Best Damn Thing "Innocence", "Hot", "One of Those Girls", and "Contagious" were co-written with Avril's former bandmate Evan Taubenfeld. Empat dari lagu di The Best Damn Thing "Innocence", "Hot", "Salah satu dari orang-orang Girls", dan "contagious" yang ditulis bersama dengan Avril dari mantan bandmate Evan Taubenfeld. "Evan is one of my best friends in the world," she says, affectionately. "Evan adalah salah satu teman saya terbaik di dunia," ujarnya, affectionately. "He's been with me since day one." "Dia pernah saya sejak hari pertama."

Of course, all of the spiky, buoyant energy that drives the album will come to life in the live show that Avril is planning for her tour later this year. Tentu saja, semua yang berduri, energi meluap drive album yang akan datang untuk hidup dalam hidup menunjukkan bahwa Avril berencana untuk dia nanti wisata tahun ini. She has assembled a new band, and is even bringing along two dancers ("I'm doing choreographed dancing for the first time ever," she grins. "It's going to be such a blast"). Dia telah dikumpulkan band baru, dan bahkan membawa serta dua penari ( "I'm doing choreographed menari untuk pertama kalinya," she grins. "Ini akan seperti tiupan").

A great deal has happened in Avril Lavigne's life since she released her debut album, Let Go , in 2002, when she was 17 years old. J besar yang terjadi dalam kehidupan Avril Lavigne sejak dia dibebaskan dia debut album, Let Go, pada tahun 2002, ketika dia berumur 17 tahun. That album snagged 8 Grammy nominations and four Juno Awards (including Album of the Year and New Artist of the Year), spawned the anthemic hit singles "Complicated", "Sk8ter Boi", and "I'm With You", and sold more than 16 million copies world-wide. Under My Skin cemented the Napanee, Ontario native's superstardom, entering US, Canadian, and UK charts at #1, unleashing smash singles "Don't Tell Me" and "My Happy Ending", and collecting three more Juno Awards along the way. Album yang snagged 8 nominasi Grammy Awards dan empat Juno (termasuk Album of the Year dan New Artist of the Year), spawned the hit single anthemic "Complicated", "sk8ter Boi", dan "I'm With You", dan dijual lagi dari 16 juta kopi di seluruh dunia. Pada Kulit Saya cemented yang Napanee, Ontario asli dari superstardom, memasuki Amerika Serikat, Kanada, dan Inggris grafik di # 1, unleashing smash single "Don't Tell Me" dan "My Happy Ending", dan mengumpulkan tiga lebih Juno Awards di sepanjang jalan. In 2006, Avril married Sum 41's Deryck Whibley and branched out into acting, appearing in Richard Linklater's Fast Food Nation and lending her voice to the Dreamworks animated film Over the Hedge . Pada tahun 2006, Avril menikah Sum 41's Deryck Whibley dan branched out into acting, muncul dari Richard Linklater Makanan Cepat bangsa dan pinjaman itu suara ke Dreamworks film animasi Over the Hedge.

She may be a bit more sophisticated these days, but she's still peerless, and still fearless. The Best Damn Thing is Avril Lavigne at a new stage in her life; she's passed through the shadows of teen angst and emerged in a spotlight, ready to have fun and rock out and yes, even dance. Dia mungkin sedikit lebih canggih ini, tapi dia masih tak ada, dan masih tak kenal takut. The Best Damn Thing Avril Lavigne adalah pada tahap baru dalam hidupnya; ia lulus melalui bayangan dari teen angst dan muncul dalam menyoroti, siap bersenang-senang dan batu dan ya, bahkan tarian. It is, just as she intended, the best damn thing she's ever done. Hal ini, sama seperti dia ditujukan, hal yang terbaik damn ia pernah selesai.

*sumber diambil dari


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